Whew! The pandemic has been rough on all of us, that’s for sure. I know first-hand how difficult it is to be a student during a pandemic!
When I started my Accelerated BSN program, we were completely online, other than our clinicals, which we attended once a week in person. I even had to do my health assessment course online; girl and our check-offs were on zoom. It took a toll on me. I often felt very isolated because I started this program at a new school. How does one make new friends via zoom?! Luckily, I knew one student in my cohort before the start of the program, and honestly, without her, I do not know what I would have done. After a while, I got into the swing of things. I invested in some blue light glasses; I started getting dressed for zoom class; instead of attending in my PJs, I learned to take more breaks, and I even started working out at home. Most importantly, though, I had to learn to confide in myself, my family, and the friends I had outside of school. Many schools have transitioned to in-person classes at this point, but becoming a nurse during a pandemic has to be one of my greatest and proudest accomplishments. XOXO, Nandi R.